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Director Janys Esparza

Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment

Addresses the needs of adolescents and adults that are involved with the criminal justice system and have or are exhibiting at risk behavior with drugs and/or alcohol.

Project "Cambio"

Reduces domestic violence and sexual assault through IPV/SV prevention case management. Fighting the cycle of domestic violence one family at a time.

Child Trauma

Provides therapy to children who have witnessed or were traumatized by violence or other event.

Child Mental Health

Provides individual case management and family counseling including Parent/Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) for children with mental health problems.

Non-Offender Sexual Abuse Program

Provides non-offender treatment services that are specialized and comprehensive to victims of child sexual abuse or at risk of sexual abuse.

"Latino Plenitud" (Systems of Care)

Helps families with complex needs stay connected to help the child.The wraparound process is driven by the family support team and helps ensure that positive outcomes for all.

Parents Assistance & Parent Aide

Provides intervention and education for families who have had their children placed in DHS custody. Working to reunify children and families.

Latinos M-Power

A state wide program working to eliminate tobacco and obesity related disparities.

Strengthening Families

A 14 week evidence-based parenting and family skills program that uses a positive reinforcement system vs negative reinforcement. This program teaches communication techniques, establishing routines and boundaries, and discipline approaches. 

Celebrating Families

A 16 week evidence-based parenting and family skills program that encourages addiction recovery and teaches skills for the whole family.

Batterer's Intervention Program

A 52 week certified group treatment program where violence perpetrators are mandated by the Court to attend and address power and control issues that lead to violence.

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420 SW 10th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73109

The Latino Community Development Agency is a 501(c)3.

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